
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

We found out we are having another boy... Gavin William Martinez!  But when we had the ultrasound I was 20 weeks and 3 days and the baby was measuring at 21 weeks and 5 days... so my due date may be changed when i go back to the doctor in January. 
We left on the 17th to head back to Iowa for Christmas. We left here about 3:30 friday evening and got home about 10:30 saturday morning... But I have learned that when Anthony is with me it takes a little longer... Not sure why. We stopped more and everything but oh well we had a great trip.  It was just WAYY to short!  I can not wait to go back for post deployment leave. We will be getting updated family pictures taken with my family... which has grown since the last ones in 2009... We now have 13 and the 14th will be delivered by then as well. 
Christmas was WONDERFUL this year. Daddy was home for Alex, and we got to go back to Iowa. I don't think there was much more to ask for. Except maybe that Gavin was born but that one will wait for next year.  We just have to pray that Daddy will be able to be home for his first Christmas.  
Christmas is all about the joy and excitement in Alexander's eyes when he is opening his presents.  It has nothing to do with what we receive its all about what we give. <3 

Now its back to the normal schedule with Anthony gone all the time =((  We got back Sunday and Anthony returned to work Monday, and is back on duty again.... I really hate duty days =(  my bed is lonely and cold while he is gone... but I might as well get use to it once again because they start their pre-deployment underways  and work-ups shortly =((


Sunday, December 12, 2010

FINALLY got back to the doctor.... The baby is doing fine and everything is looking good.... we get to find out if the baby is a Caleb or a Kacee on friday =) I'm so excited!!!  I want a little girl soooo bad but i will be just as happy with a little boy =) I <3 babies!!!!! 

Then on Friday we will be leaving either after hubby gets off work or after the apt depending if he can get the extra time off.... to go back to Iowa...  I am soooo excited!!! I get to meet my newest niece and see everyone!  The only down fall is we have to leave the night of Christmas to get back before he has to get back to work.. but AT LEAST we get to see family.... the only bad thing is ... its not the greatest circumstances... 


Saturday, December 4, 2010

well life has been decent...  Anthony's schedule has returned to semi-normal so now he actually comes home and spends time with us, thats a massive PLUS!!!!  I am almost 19 weeks pregnant and haven't been to the doctor in 8 weeks now =// because i am waiting on TRI-care to process my referral. I really wish they would hurry up! We are able to find out what I am having but we cant schedule the ultra-sound until I get the referral!  
We have a few names picked out. But I am not sure which ones I am in love with yet...  I am really starting to wonder if Alexander is right about the twins because i am HUGE!  I haven't gained a lot of weight yet, only about 15lbs [[Thankfully by this time with Alex I had gained almost 40lbs]] but I can tell that I am gaining weight in more then just my stomach area =(... but that just means more working out for meeee! Which will probably be a good thing since it relieves stress and Anthony will be gone for awhile I am going to need it!!! Taking care of a 2 1/2 year old and a baby is going to be a lot of work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Alexander turns 2 in 16 days =// I can't believe my baby is that old already.  It seems like he was born a few months ago not almost 2 years ago!!!!! 
2 month's old =))
nine months old =))
one year =))
19 months =))
22 months 
23 months =))
i cant believe how much he has changed since he was born =)... He goes day to day from looking more like me to looking more like Anthony.  But he is still my precious baby. well as he says he is my "Yittle Man" ... But now its time to figure out what we are going to do for his birthday and when we are going to do it =) 
