I have had someone I know or family in EVERY branch of the Military, except Cost Gaurd. I dont think anyone has anything worse then anyone. Yes the Army deploys for 12-24 months but it doesnt matter if they are gone for days, weeks or months, its still a deployment!!!
A time away from his or her families. They dont get to see them any more or less then anyone else. Yeah the Navy deploys for 2-9 months normally but they deploy more often then anyone else. In a three year time period they would be deployed about the same amount of time, for most of the branches.
EXAMPLE::: They Army deploys for 18 months then they are home for at least a year. Well the Navy deploys for 8 months, then has underways that add up to be about 3 months between deployments (10 months), and deploys for another 8 months and then they are home for another few months. But that adds up to ONE MONTH MORE THEN THE ARMY... so how do they have it harder???
ugh im so over this stupid bullshit... The Sailor's in the Navy have it just as bad as the Soldier's!!! They are getting paid by the same people. They risk their lives for the same people. They are doing everythign for the same people!!! so just shut you freaking mouth. Unless you have lived both lives then shut the hell up!!!!!
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