
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I had my ultrasound yesterday to make sure everything was okay with the little guy. Well they did all his measurments and he is measuring at 39-40weeks putting my due date at April 18th instead of May 3rd. So if I don't go into labor before my induction date of April 27th the baby will be a week overdue when he is born =//. 
He is already predicted to weigh 8lbs so hopefully he doesn't wait to much longer before he comes because I dont think I can manage to push out a huge baby!!!  But I am so excited to see him!!! And have him home with us! I am slightly nervous to see how Alexander reacts to having to share his Mommy and Daddy. But it will be all worth it. 

I am really hoping that Gavin comes soon so I get a "test" run to see how I can handle an infant and a toddler before any long underway or "D" day! 

I have been debating on trying caster oil again. I tried it with Alexander and it did absolutely nothing!  So I dont really want to spend the money on it and it not work. So I am going to try pineapple and continue to eat spicy foods [which i love]. I am having contractions now so i keep trying to walk to get them to even out and get closer together but its not working yet =(. 
I realized yesterday night I have started the "nesting" process. Yesterday I cleaned the living room, starting by washing the cushion covers and puling the furniture out. Then vacuumed everything and started dusting everything before my doctors appointment. But I didn't get much done after my doctors appointment because Anthony was home and was telling me to relax and blah blah, lol. 
Unfortunately we cant go for our evening walk with daddy today, maybe not at all because its suppose to storm =//  I hate when it storms/rains. It does it at least 3 days a week here and its killer!!! I am sick of dealing with rain all the time! I would love to be able to go do something all week long but it isnt happening that way =[. 

Well today I am taking Alexander to go play with Asher. [A friend's son] He is one of the only little boys around Alex's age. They play very well together, which is surprising to me because when Alexander plays with the girls he is mean to them, but they are also mean to him so maybe thats why =//.

Well hopefully the next time I blog I will have Gavin Ignacio Martinez outta my belly.... haha if only I can get that lucky!!! 

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