There is nothing that my husband can do about this but it is really starting to take effect on the way i feel. And since I am a stay at home mom because we only have ONE vehicle and he will take it to work everyday I cant go back to work. I sell SCENTSY which is a nice way to make money. But i havent gotten it going enough to make a lot of money on it. I am working my BUTT off trying to but nothing seems to be working. I love the product though.
I love my life and I dont want anything to change, except my husband to go up in rank and make more money. We really have to budget everything out and dont always have the extra money to do things.. Which is hard when he hits port and wants to spend REDICULOUS amounts of MONEY!!!
I am having a horrible day and have been soooo easily agrivated today it isnt funny!!! I am hoping the gym will help tomarrow. I am planning on using all my anger to work out and I HOPE that will work sooo much!!! I need this to work. And I want this weight to fall off already!!!
I love my husband so much and I dont think he realizes how much i do love him and miss him!!!!
Hopefully things are improving in your days. :) I started following you- it's so cool to see so many people on here. I'm glad I started blogging now that I realize how active it is! LOL