Today has been a horrible day. I have cried about everything. I always thought as time goes by the deployment got easier but as we are in the last part of the deployment i feel like it just started all over againg. I cried for like 2 hours strait today. And I dont even know what triggered it.
Everything started out good this morning. I went to pick up a friends husband this morning and got to talk to my hubby for a little while but the internet kept dropping out.... But that really didn't upset me. I had a nice conversation with him. But we had a HUGE fight the other day because he was jealous of my BFF, which i can understand because I am jealous of the guys on the ship. BUt he went a little extreme but we are all better now because he appologized for being a complete jerk to me. I can not wait for him to get home!!!
Anthony asked me how i felt about him crossing over to the Army when his contract is up... Im really not sure how i feel but I know I am being selfish when I snap no because i dont want him gone that long. I love him to death but being gone for 12-18 months can really hurt us. Because after 7 months we are snapping at eachother and getting pissed really easy because both of our jobs are stressful. (Mine being a stay at home mom with a 19 month old)
I was thinking yesterday about what i would change if I could go back in time. I honestly dont think I would change a thing. I love my life and my friends. I have a amazing connection with all my friends here because they are going through all the same things. Or have been through the same. The only thing I would change would be me going to school. I want to go back. I am planning on starting hopefully next fall. That way I can get my FAFSA done and all that stuff. I dont know if I will go back fulltime or not but I want to try to at least do a few classes.
Oh sweety, I am soo sorry you are having such a rough day. Just remember, we love you!